Write What I Know

I’m sitting in the kitchen looking at a few things.

Mitch Eiven
2 min readAug 1, 2022
Mitch Eiven

A bag of crunchy, salted pretzel twists are attached, with a chip clipo, to a bag of Trader Joe’s version of Pirates Booty. The chip clip is blue. Right behind the them is a large bag of raw almonds chip clipped to a smaller bag of cashews. Cashews, by the way, are steamed. That’s right. They are often marketed as raw nuts, but, a raw cashew could make you sick, as they’re somewhat toxic.

All of these snacks are contained in a large, wooden salad bowl. That particular salad bowl is frequently used on Friday evenings, for, well, salad. The salad usually consists of Romaine and Butter lettuces, avocados, roasted asparagus and peppers, chick peas, salt, pepper and onion powder. The salad is dressed with olive oil and a swish of apple cider vinegar.

To the left of the salad bowl are eleven books awkwardly stacked on top of each other. They’re all spiritual books. There’s a banana hook with five ripe bananas set atop the Butlers window, just above the salad bowl. There are three very ripe bananas to the left of the banana hook. I recently read that yellow banana trees are on the verge of extinction and that inexpensive blue bananas may be coming to a produce section near you.

The end.



Mitch Eiven

Topics Covered so far: Travel, meditation, politics, crypto, self improvement, fiction